Footprint: a Belizean Environmental series
Footprint: A Belizean Environmental Series -- a series of books by Michael Somerville, that "aim to educate and enlighten Belizeans about the environmental issues in Belize that could be affecting our health and environment".
The Garbage Menace, August 2015 - informs about the garbage situation in Belize and how we can better manage the waste we generate. It explains what the Government of Belize is doing to address the country's garbage situation, and offers many suggestions for how we can better contain our waste, including recycling, water conservation, and avoiding water pollution from garbage.

The Mosquito Book, was written by Aquatic Ecologist Dr. Ed Boles and came out September 2016. This book encourages awareness about the role we and our communities can play in controlling some of the important mosquitoes found in Belize and the diseases they carry, through wise use of chemicals and biological control measures.

The Tainting of Paradise: Air Pollution in Belize, will available in Belize in December. This book informs about the various activities in Belize that are contributing to air pollution, and encourages Belizeans to make wise choices about this environmental issue, while being mindful of its many negative impacts on our health and it contribution to global warming and global climate change, including ocean acidification, coral bleaching, disruption of ecosystems and loss of wildlife. This book also makes many suggestions for addressing our air pollution issue, including engaging in sustainable land use practices, conserving energy and natural resources, and utilizing renewable energy sources.

More information, orders and questions to the author, Michael Somerville: